monoser®DV150 Hydraulic Diverter Valve With Automation Control System

Hydarulic Diverter Valve
Technical Specifications
Diverter Valve Type:
Hydraulic driven, one inlet – two outlets
Pipeline Dimensions:
Flowing Material Pressure:
160 bars
S-Valve System:
Upward position s-tube to prevent air-trapping.
Emergency Hand Pump:

• monoser®DV Series can be used in set-ups where two inlet flows interchange one outlet.
• monoser®DV series can be used in tandem configuration where diverters can be controlled both seperately or simultaneously. This enables two inlet flows to be diverted to two outlets.
• monoser®DV series can be used as both shut-off valve and diverter in one machine.
• monoser®DV series can be adjusted, providing a more ergonomic and useful product.
• With the monoser® DV Series you can completely disable the human factor.
• Combined with limit switches and automated control system, diverters can be operated from an HMI on the machine or remotely from a local control center.
• In cases where power cannot be obtained from the powerpack, it can be controlled with a manual hydraulic pump without any power source.
• monoser® DV Series can be sent with partial loading with a frame.
• Upwards design of S-Valve protects the material flow line from air traption.